It’s time for TEEwithD
Dr Dee Holstine Vander Valk is a sought after international keynote speaker and author, facilitator, coach and consultant, specializing in upskilling and empowering individuals’ and corporations’ journeys to make sure womens’(+) voices are heard, womens’(+) stories are told, and womens’(+) contributions are seen. She is also the creator of the upcoming “ABCs for a New World: Including TEE”.

BE UNSTOPPABLE: Transformation & Empowerment through Expression = TEE
Life is made up of conversations, stories and moments of choice. Women+ are statistically less likely to speak up, be heard, be seen or be given roles where they can lead with their strengths, passion and purpose.
At TEEwithD™ our dream is to give every woman+ a chance to make her own TEE (Transformation and Empowerment thru Expression)
FREE RESOURCE! Building a Net that Works! - Starting a conversation - and then keeping it going over the long term - is an art. We all know networking is powerful and useful, but very few women like it (let alone love it!). Download the N is for a Net that Works (an excerpt from our upcoming book, ABCs for a New World).
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What will your - and your organization’s - legacy be?
What do you stand for? Do you know the answer, and can you share it eloquently?
I work with brilliant women+ (and their allies / organizations) that seek to lift themselves and other women+ up - to achieve meaning and impact in their lives by uncovering, recovering, discovering AND using the single most powerful tool at their disposal: their voices.
Women+ have immeasurable value to add to this planet. Period. But you can’t change the world if you can’t articulate to yourself - and to others - what matters to you.
Silence no more. Let’s learn a new language together - one that everyone has a powerful voice.
No more silence

#IamRemarkable is a Google initiative that strives to give women and underrepresented groups the skills, opportunity and motivation to talk about their own accomplishments.
This FREE 90-minute online facilitated workshop challenges the cultural and gender modesty norms as well as imposter syndrome barriers that prevent individual’s from acknowledging and expressing their achievements and own remarkable attributes. Available to any group, size 15-20.
Get in touch to learn more or schedule YOUR transformational #IamRemarkable workshop.

I’ve heard lots of keynotes,
but never
one like this.
She engaged and inspired a truly diverse audience, and we got lots of very positive feedback. Everyone can benefit from finding their voice (except for Dee; she's found hers), and she can help everyone do it.
— Dana Gliserman Kopans, Ph.D.,
Department Chair, Department of Literature, Communication, and Cultural Studies SUNY Empire State College
Her candour breaks down barriers to help us all look at topics with an openness without defensiveness.
Women and Allies have responded to Dr. Dee’s message and conversation with an examination of past situations and current state with new lenses and new tools to help open the doors to change.
— Brandy Bugg-Boruck; BA BMGT
Director, Alberta Blended Business & Womens BRG Lead Wolseley Canada INC Keynote/Launch of nationwide “Women of Wolseley” Business Resource Group
Two Recent Talks
LeanIn Canada, Vancouver: “Impostor Syndrome & Other Lies We Tell Ourselves”
Breaking the Glass, Austin, TX:
“Psychologically Safe Disruptive Thinking”